Nelson Eddy (315)523-3923
Brian Gorman
Jeannie Fox
Sandra Hubbard
Corresponding Secretary:
Mary Vaerewyck


 4 River Valleys Historical Society Acquires Deed to Historic Hiram  Hubbard House

On November 15, 2005, the Historic Hiram Hubbard gray limestone house in the center of the hamlet of Champion became the property of the 4River Valleys Historical Society when the descendents of the Hubbard family presented the deed to the house to historical society president, Nelson Eddy.  Peter Rogers from Ohio and his sister, Linda Rogers from Massachusetts traveled to the area to sign the official paperwork and also to present a program on the history of the family and the home to the annual Membership Dinner in the Champion Grange Hall.  Reproductions of old family photographs and scrapbooks were also displayed.

The Rogers children explained that their options about what to do with the house were limited because of a condition in a family will written during the 1800's that stipulated the house never be sold out of the family.  This was one reason they sought out the 4RVHS and offered the home as a place that could help preserve the history of the area as well as the rich heritage of Champion and the Hubbard family.  Nelson Eddy mentioned the fact that there was sufficient land with the home to reproduce the gardens and some of the early out buildings that were visible in the slides shown by Linda Rogers.

At left is the fanlight in the beautiful front doorway.  Below is the front step engraved with the names of N & H Hubbard and was originally part of the family store in the early 1800's.


As you can see from the interior photographs, the house needs a great deal of TLC and members will accept help from individuals and groups within the area that would like to be a part of the cleaning and restoration work.  It is a large undertaking that will ultimately benefit the entire community  If you feel you  cannot physically help in this work, donations will be gratefully accepted.  Donations of $100 or more will receive a signed sketch of the house by local artist Ron Collins who is noted for his work with many Watertown landmarks.

The home will eventually become the home base for 4RVHS with meeting rooms,  research  and reference material library, historic exhibits, a gift shop and education areas.    It is hoped that in the not too distant future, workshops can be held here in areas of local interest.

All ideas are welcome and help is needed.  Become a part of this historic undertaking.

Click the sketch for the form to volunteer or contribute.

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Fourth Coast Creations ... Web Sites by David J. Schryver